Capstone Project

ARIN7600 Artificial intelligence project (12 credits)

This course is designed for students of the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence programme. Students enrolled in ARIN7600 Artificial intelligence project are expected to work in a small group on a provided or self-proposed project under the supervision of their supervisors.

Enrolment Procedures



Interim Report

5,000 – 6,000 words

Submission Deadline:
September 8, 2024


Oral Presentation

40-min Presentation + 10-min Q&A

Presentation Date:
Within the revision period of Semester 1, 2024-2025


Research Report

No more than 20,000 words

Submission Deadline:
Mid-November, 2024 (Note 1);
One week after the presentation (Note 2)

Note 1: Students are expected to submit a completed report by the stipulated deadline, and penalties are expected for late submission

Note 2: Students are allowed to make minor adjustments after the presentation with reference to the supervisors’ comments.

Additional Information and Reminder

Students shall prioritize their study when considering any other concurrent engagements in order to ensure the course requirements and graduation requirements fulfilled.

Students should take initiative to communicate / meet with their supervisors from time to time to provide them with an update of the progress of their projects.

Students who plan to take any internship during the period of ARIN7600 should obtain the consent of their primary supervisor and Course Coordinator as soon as possible and before the internship starts.

If students enrolled in the course as a group, the Work Distribution Form should be included in the final research report and be endorsed by all members of the group.

Download Forms

  • Registration Form
  • Work Distribution Form


Course coordinator

Dr. F.L. Tsang
Phone: (+852) 3917-2258

general office

Ms. Vanessa Kwan
Phone: (+852) 3917-2258