Enrolment Procedures
- Students are required to work in a group of 3-4 members.
- Students will need to find a topic of their own interest or refer to topics provided by the Departments. The project topic is not limited to academic context, but can be extended to a community or corporate outreach project as well.
- Students should seek their supervisors (primary supervisors and secondary supervisors) themselves. Secondary supervisors should be a faculty member of one of the three departments – Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, and Department of Computer Science.
- Students have to complete a registration form within the registration period to enroll in ARIN7600. Each group should submit ONE registration form only. Please note that registration will not be accepted if
- the supervisor is not within the list of potential supervisors provided by the Departments,
- the registration form is not endorsed by the supervisors, or
- the group size is not within the required range.
- Students should NOT enroll in ARIN7600 on HKU Portal themselves. They will be informed of the registration result by email. Those approved to take ARIN7600 would normally see the enrolment record in HKU Portal within June.
The registration period for ARIN7600 is May 1 – 31, 2024. LATE REGISTRATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Note 1: Students are expected to submit a completed report by the stipulated deadline, and penalties are expected for late submission
Note 2: Students are allowed to make minor adjustments after the presentation with reference to the supervisors’ comments.
Additional Information and Reminder
Students shall prioritize their study when considering any other concurrent engagements in order to ensure the course requirements and graduation requirements fulfilled.
Students should take initiative to communicate / meet with their supervisors from time to time to provide them with an update of the progress of their projects.
Students who plan to take any internship during the period of ARIN7600 should obtain the consent of their primary supervisor and Course Coordinator as soon as possible and before the internship starts.
If students enrolled in the course as a group, the Work Distribution Form should be included in the final research report and be endorsed by all members of the group.
Download Forms
- Registration Form
- Work Distribution Form